1. Client meeting
If the client wishes a customized website or e-store production, whereby its design is not yet available, a working meeting is urgently needed in which the project manager, the designer and the programmer participate. At this meeting, the following should be discussed: the wishes of the customer, the operation of the website, the basics of website design, the purpose of the website, the creators of the text and its characteristics, etc.
Such a meeting may take up to a half of a working day, as in this way, we can avoid subsequent uncertainties. Before the meeting, we ask the client to draw up their wishes and expectations and to obtain an example of a website of their liking. We also ask them to consider certain aspects, like the links between the website and accounting software, to think about who will edit the website when it is finished, to determine the project manager from their side, who will be the vsi.si contact and decide on who will produce possible new texts, etc. Already at the meeting, you should warn us about any specific elements, such as the Partner log-in, any additional buttons for inquiries on products that are not in stock and similar wishes.
The more detailed your idea is, the fewer corrections and refinements there will be during the production of the website. At the same time, there will also be potentially less unforeseen costs.
2. Creating the design and structure of the website / e-store
Based on the working meeting, the design of the website is proposed and sent to you for review. At this point, your “input” and any comments regarding the layout are needed. Please pay attention – the design consists of several subpages. We need your comments on the overall appearance of the online store. All inconveniences should be eliminated at this point, since it is very difficult (and time-consuming) to correct the basic appearance (background, colours, structure, the position of certain elements, the text font, etc.) later, when the page is already set up.
3. Website layout
The basis of the website or online store is created. At this point, we will need all of the necessary materials: text, images, videos, links to social networks, as well as the email addresses which will be used to receive website inquiries, as well as similar elements.
4. Additional programming work
When everything listed above is arranged, additional programming work can begin, including the following: connecting the accounting software with the online store, the Log-in partner, creating additional html for external sites, such as the sales portal Ceneje.si., arranging the inquiry button, product comparisons, special order sheets and similar.