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Websites and online stores can be produced in several ways. Some clients, albeit rare, still prefer to have a customized website made uniquely for them. The client can order the design themselves, or we can help in finding them a designer. In any case, the design of the newly produced website should be faultless. Therefore, everything should be displayed: from the colour of the button when we click on it to the look of an individual web page, as well as technical information, the information on how much of the screen is covered by a certain image, etc.

The process of obtaining a suitable design can be a complex and long-term task, where everyone should participate – the client, the designer and the programming part of the team.



A responsive web design ensures the correct displaying of the website on different devices and screens. Almost every mobile phone and tablet has its own screen dimensions, pixel density and height versus width ratio. It would not make sense for a website to look good only on your home PC screen. Today, more than half of searches are done via mobile phones. In 2015, Google began, ranking higher on phones the web pages it perceives as mobile friendly.


For mobile phones, the structure and content of the website are adapted to rather small devices. We should consider both portrait and landscape mode.


The dimensions of tablet screens differ drastically – if we simply copied the same responsiveness from the mobile phones, the content displayed on larger tablets would be too large.

Smaller screens

Especially with smaller laptops and when we want to avoid the browser window occupying the entire screen. Here, the essential information has to be presented despite the smaller height.

Bigger screens

Despite the fact that currently Full HD is the standard for monitors, increasingly, people are reaching for larger 4K screens. It is important that the website looks good there, too.










(Additional) Programming







1. Client meeting

If the client wishes a customized website or e-store production, whereby its design is not yet available, a working meeting is urgently needed in which the project manager, the designer and the programmer participate. At this meeting, the following should be discussed: the wishes of the customer, the operation of the website, the basics of website design, the purpose of the website, the creators of the text and its characteristics, etc.

Such a meeting may take up to a half of a working day, as in this way, we can avoid subsequent uncertainties. Before the meeting, we ask the client to draw up their wishes and expectations and to obtain an example of a website of their liking. We also ask them to consider certain aspects, like the links between the website and accounting software, to think about who will edit the website when it is finished, to determine the project manager from their side, who will be the contact and  decide on who will produce possible new texts, etc. Already at the meeting, you should warn us about any specific elements, such as the Partner log-in, any additional buttons for inquiries on products that are not in stock and similar wishes.

The more detailed your idea is, the fewer corrections and refinements there will be during the production of the website. At the same time, there will also be potentially less unforeseen costs.

2. Creating the design and structure of the website / e-store

Based on the working meeting, the design of the website is proposed and sent to you for review. At this point, your “input” and any comments regarding the layout are needed. Please pay attention – the design consists of several subpages. We need your comments on the overall appearance of the online store. All inconveniences should be eliminated at this point, since it is very difficult (and time-consuming) to correct the basic appearance (background, colours, structure, the position of certain elements, the text font, etc.) later, when the page is already set up.

3. Website layout

The basis of the website or online store is created. At this point, we will need all of the necessary materials: text, images, videos, links to social networks, as well as the email addresses which will be used to receive website inquiries, as well as similar elements.

4. Additional programming work

When everything listed above is arranged, additional programming work can begin, including the following: connecting the accounting software with the online store, the Log-in partner, creating additional html for external sites, such as the sales portal, arranging the inquiry button, product comparisons, special order sheets and similar.

All these pages, too, require a design template. If it is not available, it is necessary to make it additionally, before the final additions are sent to the programmer.

5. Wrapping up the project

At this point, tests are performed on the website. If necessary, new assessments of the desired upgrades are also made, which you may have forgotten at the start of the project. When all final changes, corrections and tests have been carried out, the website or the e-store is published.

6. Multilingual website / e-shop

If you wish to have a website in several languages, several language versions should be made at this stage, right before the publication and after of all the tests. If you do not have the text of the website translated yet, can help you obtain an offer.

All the texts from the newly created website are collected (we should not forget texts such as the Privacy Policy, Cookie Notice, automatic e-mail notifications, etc.) and sent to the translators for the offer. When the client approves the translation offer, the entire text is translated into all of the languages desired. The more texts there are, the longer the deadline for their production. Usually, the agreement with the translators is to first edit the translation into English and then into other languages. At this time, we can already set up the English page.

When all of the website languages have been edited, the page is published.

At the beginning of the project, the customer should determine whether the language versions of the website should be located on separate domains.

DOMAIN EXAMPLES: for the Slovenian language version, for the English language version, for the German language version, etc. or will the language versions be on one domain in the PRIMER subfolders: or etc.

7. Project completion

Once the website or e-store is completed and published, we inform you of your available training hours. In these trainings, we teach you about the general use of the website. In this way, you will be able to edit the content, images, videos and similar elements on the website yourself.

Does your company need a website?

Is your website inefficient, outdated or its features no longer work? Do you want a website that you could add content to yourself?

Then you are in the right place!


No, it is not necessary to order the design of a new website or e-store with us. However, we recommend that you choose a contractor who has design experience in this area. Only such a company will also offer you the production of a Wire-frame, which has a record of website use and the website UX (user experience) consulting. These are the points that greatly affect the success of the online business.

We do not recommend hiring a student or possibly an acquaintance who does not have many years of experience to design a new website. The most optimal solution is to obtain an offer from a company that has a team consisting of both young people (with new ideas) and experienced designers who already know the rules of user experience, the importance of WireFrame and the requirements of individual websites.

The simple answer is yes. A more complex and precise answer is that a connection with the accounting software programmes is possible in most cases.

If your requirements are relatively basic, the connection, for some accounting programs, can also be solved with plugins. This is the cheapest possible choice, but it has certain limitations.

If your requirements are specific or more demanding, you should discuss your wishes with the programmer, who can create a link tailored just for you and your online store.

If you decide for simple synchronisation using a plugin, this is limited to the bare basics:

  1. Product name
  2. Short or long product description
  3. Product price
  4. Stock

Some accounting programmes also transfer some other data via the plug-in, but usually not much more than the above.

However, if you want to increase the possibility of data transfer, it is usually necessary to have a programmer modify it. The following data are most often transferred from the accounting software:

  1. Product name
  2. Short description of the product
  3. Product price
  4. Product categories
  5. Stock
  6. Long product description
  7. Technical specifications (product weight, product width and length, …)
  8. Product postage

Optionally, the programming can be made to also transmit attributes that affect filters on the web page. The most common attributes are the colour, type of material, (dress) size, patterns, etc.

The following payment methods can be included in online stores:

  • Payment upon delivery (by using postal services or paying in person at the collection point)
  • Payment via UPN or pre-invoice
  • Payment by credit card (a contract with the bank is required to obtain the payment system. The most familiar to us are: Bankart, NestPay, Braintree … )
  • Payment via the PayPal system (allows for traditional or card payments)
  • Payment by instalments (using systems such as: LeanPay, Summit Leasing, etc.)

It is increasingly common to discontinue the use of the PayPall payment system, as their fees are getting unprecedentedly high. An often used method of online payment is the classic card payment. For it to be included in your online store, you should call your company’s bank and ask which online payment system they offer. The banks may use Bankart, NestPay or alternative systems. It is a good idea to do this at the beginning of the project, because the bank will also tell you the deadline for obtaining access to the online payments, as well as their requirements, i.e. what the website should contain in order to grant you access at all.

Of course we can. If we create a website or an e-store for you, we can also build you a respective booking system. The price will depend on your wishes and requirements. Most companies use simple booking systems, where the information is received by e-mail, while the final rental or the rental confirmation is conveyed telephonically.

We have often been alerted by our clients to the fact that when the rental is completely automated and there is no request for payment at the end, false reservations may occur. Website visitors may not feel obliged to cancel the reservation or simply forget about it.  When a payment is involved, this does not happen. If a payment is not possible, the customers prefer to use a slightly older method, which requires a form of contact (most often a phone call) between the company and the customer.

If you do not yet have a website and have not yet decided on a domain name, we will help you with your choices. The selected domain (which should be verified to see that it is free) can be leased by you or by us. We recommend that you have everything arranged in one place. If you do have a lot of knowledge about domains, hosting and servers, we advise you to have the server and the domain arranged with us. In this way, we avoid any possible domain or server defaults and a potential loss of input data.



The design of the graphic image is a process during which we create the graphic image of the website and determine its structure with great precision. The integrated graphic image (CGP) includes the logo, colours and typography, which enable the company to be unique and recognisable, including online. If the company already has a finished identity, the creation of the graphic image of the website is aligned with the company’s logo or colours. If the company does not yet have a CGP, a new design is created, which largely depends on the company’s activities. A successful graphic design includes colour consistency, uniform typography, high-quality photos and a clear website layout.

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