Theme selection, WordPress CMS, …
Theme selection, WordPress CMS, …
Featuring unique designs and a choice between different CMS systems, we strive to take into account the client’s wishes.
Do you already have a website and just want to make some changes or additions?…
“Today, the website or the e-store is mostly the first and often the only point of interaction between the company and its customer. The fact is, there are currently too many offers online, but there is very little information, attention and concrete answers. These are precisely the reasons why a high-quality website is a competitive advantage that supports companies in achieving better sales.„
Perhaps it is time that you stand out from the crowd. Tell us about your project wishes. Trust us with your challenges. What areas are you interested in? We are convinced that our cooperation will be successful and will support it with the many years of our experience, our numerous experts with a passion for web design, SEO, marketing or advertising.
Get in touch!
Today, a user-friendly, transparent and beautiful (trendy) website or e-shop is the basis for successful sales of products and services. The following factors influence customer behaviour on the website:
The buyer decides in the first four seconds of the viewing, whether to trust the website and take a closer look at it. Therefore, when creating a website, the focus should be on conveying the main essence of the page in the first impression: Why did you produce the website and what do you want to achieve with it? Because currently most people access the internet with the help of mobile devices, the website should be adapted for all mobile devices.
Oglejte si naše preteklo delo na področju izdelave spletnih strani. Za vsako spodaj omenjeno spletno stran, si lahko ogledate nekaj slik ali pa obiščete izdelano stran preko povezave.
Write to us using the online form or call us at one of the phone numbers below.
Mijana Busančić
Key account manager
t.: +386 40 716 011
Jožica Cajnar
Sales manager
t.: +386 51 626 139
Blaž Benedik
t.: +386 31 736 858
The analysis forms the basis for further work. What is your company like, what do you do, who is your target group? Whom would you like to reach? It is also necessary to analyse your competition, study their online appearance and important keywords. Building a phrase base is key to the final positions of websites on Google.
strani na Google.
Webpage production is a process in which the structure and the graphic imaging of the web page should be precisely determined. What colours should we use, what type of a page look do we want to achieve? This phase requires coordination and cooperation with the client. The design of the website graphic image is also linked to the company’s activities.
If your company does not yet have a comprehensive graphic image (CGP), please see the possibilities of creating it, at the link below.
Anyone deciding on a new website knows why they need it. Some just want an online card, while for others a website or online store serves as a place to acquire customers or to increase sales. Regardless of whether you want to increase the demand for your services or whether you want to raise the sales of your products, in the beginning nothing works without the help of advertising. While you can already build on online optimization (off-site SEO) after publication, online advertising or marketing will be the most efficient in the first place. Online marketing includes both advertising via social networks, as well as targeted advertising using other advertising tools such as Google Ads, etc.
Izdelava in oblikovanje spletnih strani je le prvi korak do ustvarjanja donosa. Po izdelavi spletne strani je pomembno, da poskrbimo za obiskanost spletne strani ali trgovine in da le to redno vzdržujemo.
CMS kot je Word Pres na primer, se redno posodablja. To pomeni, da je z enako pogostostjo potrebno tudi na strani izvajati posodobitve in popravke v kolikor pride do napak. Prav tako moramo vedeti, da se v določenem času lahko zgodijo večje spremebe kot je bila v preteklosti ukinitev Flasha-a ipd.
V kolikor niste vešči upravlja s spletno stranjo na takšni ravni, vam po končanem projektu priporočamo, da razmislite tudi o nadaljnem vzdrževanju spletne strani s pomočjo agencije.
Potrebujete pomoč pri vzdrževanju vaše spletne strani narejene v WordPress-u?
Building and designing websites is not enough, which is why we take care of basic on-site optimization. This means that we refresh the content and meta data, make the basic code as clean as possible, use the WordPress CMS, which is friendly even to non-professional users, etc. At the clients’ demand, we can also agree on off-site optimization.
Do you already have a website, which needs refreshing? Perhaps you don’t have a website yet and find that your competition is ahead of you? Write to us and we will make an appointment, where you can tell us your wishes, and we will advise you on how to find the optimal answers to your needs.